
Why Yazidis could not return after ISIS?

Dynamics of place and Identity (Solastalgia)

Hayder Al-Jouranj

Yazidis suffered from the latest atrocious genocide in the modern history of the world. As one of the main mosaic social groups in Iraqi society, Structural, they are part of the texture of that community. Unfortunately they have not been identified until they became aggrieved by ISIS in 2014.

Continuously, they are experiencing prolong-time implications of horrifying violations because of misidentification of fundamental defacement and due to thousands of year in Mesopotamia; likewise, the Yazidis tribulation is still the identification with identity. Commonly, the mistake is calling them as a sect, not as a religion. Yezidism is one of the old non-missionary religions in Iraq, the sealed religion, and the place of the north of Iraq are collecting psychological characteristics in addition to systematic beliefs and values.

Predominantly, the neighbourhoods over long years in the north of Iraq with other social groups brought them to be a vulnerable group over time. To all appearances, the race and religion unified and recognized the Yazidi’s personality; oppositely, the other neighbouring social groups potentially can meet in common relations between each other through the differences. For instance, in the case of religion, Islam correlated with (Arab, Kurd, and Turk) social groups. However, according to Yazidis doctrine and collective unconsciousness, the latest genocide has not been for the first time, but it is the third seventieth times after they witnessed the captivity over Yazidis historical legacy.

Religion and the strain of Yezidism both are overlapping within the Yazidi’s personality and combine the identity. But more important than any other considerations, the  north of Mosul triangulating dynamically with the first two elements of the Yazidis identity where the holiest temple of the Yazidis located and the Yazidis’ progeny inherited. By considering this understanding and the social outgroups surrounding there, perhaps the estimation of threatening Yazidi’s identity is synchronously predictable. Ultimately, they wound up psycho-geographically traumatized and they must be rehabilitated.

With Yazidi’s matter, two main identities need to be taken into account. First the Yazidi’s place identity as a people. Secondly, the Sinjar mountain, Lalişa Nûranî and other villages around where they live as a place identity of the place itself. In other words, the psychological attachment of Yazidi individuals to the place manifested by the ISIS mass slaughter and devastating, in addition to victims and survivors. The Yazidis and their environment have  been victimized catastrophically.

 Solastalgia is recognized by Yazidis. This concept in contrast to the dislocated spatial and temporal dimensions of nostalgia. On one hand, the trauma experienced both environmentally and personally. The person and the Place to which she/he attached are both attacked and assaulted. Furthermore, the environment of Yazidis destroyed by two major fires, the place targeted by ISIS weapons and the counterterrorism weapons at the same time. So, the united nation environment program reported in 2017 a description of the environmental issues in areas retaken from ISIL in Mosul. They mentioned that the Mosul debris estimate 11 million tonnes, equivalent to three times great pyramids in Giza or four times Eiffel Tower. Contaminated sites included 18 oil wells, 2 million pile of sulphur waste, also toxic PCB contamination and Hazardous asbestos. The conclusion is both human rights and environmental rights are violated.

Desolation of place leads to loss of sense of place experienced as the condition of Solastalgia. Moreover, it memorizes the trauma and increases the flashbacking. This distress likely has an impact on the Yazidis female’s survivors during several years of slavery and trafficking by ISIS both individual and place identity are raped. Finally, the place of Yazidis in post-conflict becomes under political violation in proportion to post conflict strategic dominance. In the absence of international community re-triangulating the Religion, race, place of Yazidis recover narrowly.

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